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From The Past .... (exit Trump)

From The Past .... (exit Trump)

Publicado el 3, sept, 2023 Actualizado 3, sept, 2023 Cultura
time 4 min
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From The Past .... (exit Trump)


The Disqualified, the Never-More-President-of-America, the History mistake of U. S. and the World from parternships viewpoint (imagine a soon erasure of his presidential office, we are not dreamers), the LIAR  - Trump Defendant - is now depicted like a maffioso (word still untold, but think to his criminal organisation for which he began to be indicted : a huge seditious criminal CONSPIRACY) for his 'damaging lies' and his endless threats and intimidations both to Justice officials and witnesses (Glenn Kirschner, Justice Matters, September 2sd); actually professional press (MSNBC, "ALL IN", August 31th) talks about "the Trump Gang". The friend of Epstein hates Truth which cannot be a drug (only lie is) : no addiction at all, but patient quest and free knowledge; the guy was just hired by one Putin, led by Saudi money ("ALL IN", Sept. 1rst; an Oversight Democrat called for another subpoena regarding Jared Kushner). And so on. His tri

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