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CAUGHT. .... Next

CAUGHT. .... Next

Publicado el 19, nov, 2023 Actualizado 19, nov, 2023 Cultura
time 4 min
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CAUGHT. .... Next


Caught by Justice (DOJ), such an caricature (ugliness) is due to "Fight Trump" (FB, Nov. 17th) and it is fair. Trump Trials are not predictive, "Trump Trials" -TRIALSSSSSS - is a right statement which says Trump Defendant already has to face Court(s) on a few charges (compare to the following and increasing criminal ones) but more (more interesting beyond a Trumpist ego) : a massive Truth (political one) is going to emerge with not only Trump Staff or Team (add now Lindsay Graham and so on) but also with a Republican Party living a disaster as lack of credibility, indeed a suspicious party : the lately poor man is the one (remember, everybody filmed him) who had fainted before speaking; Brian Tyler Cohen, refering to "morning.joe (MSNBC, Nov. 19th), comments what Mr McConnell is doing now : he blocks series of election security bills, and it is as if GOP replaces the former (the Never-More) President of US by criticizing FBI, CIA ..

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