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A10th Round : HACKING IS A CRIME(from Trump to Putin via Assange)

A10th Round : HACKING IS A CRIME(from Trump to Putin via Assange)

Publicado el 18, sept, 2023 Actualizado 18, sept, 2023 Cultura
time 3 min
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A10th Round : HACKING IS A CRIME(from Trump to Putin via Assange)


Hacking is a crime, hacking is stealing. A hacker is not a whistleblower, he is an agitator; whereas a whistleblower warns or prevents. A journalist cannot a hacker, from an ethical viewpoint or professional code of ethics. Free Press - respectable - does not work for any power or, at worst, for money and especially hush money .... WikiLeaks, right now, is concerned : Julian Assange is involved and accountable. Very shocking is the idea, and so reality, that PRIVACY would be a basic right only for individuals and not concerning any entity as singularity : SECRET is a basic data (a ownership), a hidden garden (not necessarily ugly, some are beautiful inside...), a basic space or protection, and State secrets still are secrets like individuals secrets and guarantees of security and protection : at stake is therefore the national security, as well as the inner one. J. Assange obviously disrespected, mocked and snubbed both; perhaps it'

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