The Mueller Report
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The Mueller Report
A so-called "straight photography", like an illustration of an arm-wrestling which is the arm of the Law and even or like "Swords of Iron" (The Institute for National Security Studies, Jewish online Review) - so far from a Golden Age if we intend within a mythical but NARRATIVE context - in those trouble warlike (any kind of war : psychological...) times when Justice must at last be prevail over a long usual untold Corruption whose obvious token is that both the lawyer and any law professional are the worst samples after the ugly disgusting American Jewish Roy Cohn with today Trump's lawyers including Sydney Powel as a pseudo honest lady whose job is stained but also and above all BILL BARR (Trump's lawyer too) who is now convicted for having lied about the Robert Mueller Report : cornerstone as probe, and certainly a way now with a same enlarged keeping FOCUS to go STRAIGHT to the POINT (the opposite of so mean and under disguise g
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