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The Name of the Queen is THE RULE OF LAW

The Name of the Queen is THE RULE OF LAW

Publicado el 31, ago, 2023 Actualizado 31, ago, 2023 Cultura
time 2 min
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The Name of the Queen is THE RULE OF LAW

Thank you to Reuters Sustainable Switch (August 31th) for such a vivid photo whereas Coronavirus swindle or robbery, a virus or crave for an untold - perhaps usurpated - Crown (a kind of perfect fabric by a mysterious agency or whatever we could imagine, don't know) and Covidian Serial go on despite an ancient absurd narrative and a fiasco guilties (not yet indicted) try to silent; alas such a stuff goes on (The Defender, August 30th, put online again a video " Watch : John Campbell Explains Why He's 'Not Worried' About New COVID Variant and Why Vaccinated Are More at Risk"). Colours, on the contrary, should stimulate an inquiry along an ongoing investigation by Justice with what it is called now Trump Trials

Morning Brew today August 31th gets a headline concerning all that Mafia or industry which pollutes citizenship and politics in accordance of its noble meaning : "But pharma is fighting back". Yes, those people (a few) dare sue

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