"A promise please : keep being Jewish" (reporting by Peace Nobel Prize, Shimon Peres : "never give up your dream")JUSTICE MUST COME
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"A promise please : keep being Jewish" (reporting by Peace Nobel Prize, Shimon Peres : "never give up your dream")JUSTICE MUST COME
Israelian as well as American Justice, first of all, has to come. The 'Frieze London' (source : Frith Street Gallery, Oct. 14th) we can see until October 15th is maybe a sign of today (an expectation too, like a saving by good allies yesterday) : a clouded sky and so no brightness for shining forgotten values, first The Rule of Law.
Whereas Israel is at war now, because of Hamas, the photo seems to me fitted. Hamas ? Only Hamas ? Tel Aviv INSS ("Institute for National Security Studies", Newsletter : Oct. 15th) proposes for another time the following headline, as the opposite of a Golden Age (if not happiness, at least peace), "Swords of Iron". And the researchers rightly emphasize "the Iranian Octopus" that is the Iran's support to Hamas. Let's go on : what about of Russia's support to Hamas ? And, more generally speaking because confession (especially idea of LAW, which refers not first of all to a religious meaning) is at stake,
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