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On The Dock, "Trump Trials" and Beyond...

On The Dock, "Trump Trials" and Beyond...

Publicado el 5, oct, 2023 Actualizado 5, oct, 2023 Cultura
time 3 min
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On The Dock, "Trump Trials" and Beyond...


Cameras everywhere : poor Defendant ! "Trump's New York Fraud trial beigns today", according to the conservative mass media press - no risk at all (CNN's 5 Things, Oct. 2sd). And the show goes on : on October 5rd, Donald Trump still in court (for civil fraud trial) .... Just a beginning ? Maybe, likely not, more than a beginning, a kind of parallel line like a huge ongoing investigation in accordance an abstract idea - an ideal Whole, from which we only get some pieces today : still a non ended puzzle, or a work in progress for a painting on criminal organization or/and conspiracy (remember : a huge seditious criminal conspiracy)  - but with concrete ways and Justice fighters, men and women teams (J. Smith's one, AT Garland and so on, F. Willis's one, .... in Georgia and so on), cases - the Mar-a-Lago Case, The classified Documents Case - and Reports (the Durham 's one, what a pity) like Robert Mueller's one, and hearings .....


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