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"Trump Trials", Netanyahu's three Corruption Trials, and CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS CASE, The Russia Case, and the Crown Case (Corona.virus. Case)

"Trump Trials", Netanyahu's three Corruption Trials, and CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS CASE, The Russia Case, and the Crown Case (Corona.virus. Case)

Publicado el 18, oct, 2023 Actualizado 18, oct, 2023 Cultura
time 4 min
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"Trump Trials", Netanyahu's three Corruption Trials, and CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS CASE, The Russia Case, and the Crown Case (Corona.virus. Case)


Thank you to the online Jewish review Haaretz (Oct. 17th) for such a photo which shows both war horror (civilians unfairly harmed et murdered) Hamas is the cause and a sort of face expression of prayer as well as request : a mum with her daughter photo... Israel can indeed be at war now. Hamas attacked Israel, during already a corruption political context (a Judicial Coup, by the Israel Prime who sounds sometimes like Trump whose Coup failed despite the former President of U. S. belongs to  criminal organization (an Octopus, but not into a Garden : even two Beatles deaths does no more make us laughing) with so many kinds of branches for having prepared (adding to the Jan. 6th insurrection) "a huge seditious criminal conspiracy" (lots of trials ahead, first concerning of course Donald Trump (Trump Defendant), and especially a few days ago Bill or William Bar - Corrupted Justice man, a former Attorney General under Trump administratio

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