Which line(s) of Defence ?
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Which line(s) of Defence ?
I don't talk about Trump (I don't care regarding such an individual), I don't worry about Defendant Trump; I don't, I don't want to. No, I'm talking about Assange who keeps on following a very bad line of defence with a bad team beside but not only beside him. Of course, the WikiLeaks boss (founder) cannot utterly be condemned but he can be condemned ; if not he is convicted. Julian Assange indeed cannot be innocent, he is not. In another words, he is guilty or absolutely NOT PURE. what does it mean, from Assange viewpoint which relies on some voices like Robert Francis Kennedy Jr one ? The last or lately one I heard about of is Roger Waters one (see Twitter, May 30th) : "Our voices will become louder and louder and louder until Julian Assange is set free. If we no longer have a voice, we're done". My voice is mine, don't want to be united with another one ; rather with my countrymen in an America which is a DEMOCRACY, and United State
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