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Thank you to "Anne Frank House" which released on FB yesterday July 17th this photo of the little girl in May 1931, then almost two years old. My choice, still because of antisemitic theme which crosses the BIG ISSUES with which American Justice, first of all or mainly, deals now. Trump and his aides, accomplices - Trump Defendant on one hand, Trump Trials on the other hand - make unwillingly appear such a old theme like a regressive come back, also like a past which emerge again as a possible explanation of a political monstruosity : a huge seditious criminal conspiracy. Don't think the former President is a reincarnation of Guy Fawkes (anyway the end of a bad script and a very serious plot is going to be a very bad for him too), he has something yet in common with Anonymous, a Hacker Group and so not a party which respects The Rule of Law, the same group (without head, with masks but not covid ones) which are also known for "Opera
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