No Recovery for Breakers of Law, Disrespect for The Rule of Laws
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No Recovery for Breakers of Law, Disrespect for The Rule of Laws
An event much commented these days, a strange one in itself, by itself, or which can make us indeed pretty astonished : why talking so much about this piece or wreckage, except of course the five found corpses (a submersible with 5 people on board) ? The association, the nearness in the Ocean bottom with the Titanic wreck (an obvious decay sign), such an association definitely means a clear written non return. Too late, it would say if a magic world was our fact or common fate. Death there is, dead there are (human beings, not fishes.....), that's a mere fact : huge damages (sample) ; now only but accountability is at stake. For we even could compare the thing - a sinking with its tragic aftermath, and, from an investigation viewpoint, the shape of an iceberg (bottom is always cold): the most part under water (so dark, so trouble, so wide ....) and only one small piece above. And why the naming OceanGate ? Like an oceanic (not Medit
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