POLITICS AND ARCHEOLOGY :we won't be whipping boys and girls
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POLITICS AND ARCHEOLOGY :we won't be whipping boys and girls
Thank you to The British Academy (July 20th) for the beautiful picture from British Institute at Ankara (photo : "Highlights of the Pisidia Heritage Trail"). We know Turkey now would like to belong to NATO ...and the latest Summit but not also lets us think the possible inscription of such a country within an UNION on the contrary of Russia, still leading war against Ukraine.
SPACEGOAT is often the hidden excuse, vile or low instinct of violence it is easier to adress to an individual (as sacrifice) than to a community (as subconscious power and by defamation way). ANTISEMITISM is most likely a key ISSUE concerning Trump Defendant and more generally Trump Trials (docs, obstruction, espionage....) ; it is noticeable we heard now talking about "Mar-a-Lago Case" (MSNBC, "Deadline White Hosue", July 21th) rather documents ca
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