Black is White...
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Black is White...
I like so much such a picture (thank you to Reuters Daily Briefing, June 27th ; a special report) because it is away of showing and understanding American life and thought cannot be analysed by a Marxist bias : either white or black. Like a Far West to oppose to a Far East, a Kapitalism to oppose to ... what ? A collectivism (strictly a minds propaganda, the non existence of free speech) without any idea of benefit and of course where any power or empire would exist .... Class Run or Race, class struggle, these old seeds of sedition (jalousy, revenge) and war (domination and denial of any equality) cannot find a soil in America where so many people are descendants of slavery : look at these famous faces. Black is then the colour, the basic one, the founding and nurturing one, a living ground like a sensitive legacy in any political fight here ; only but suprematism (not modernism, no sign of any process) is recessive, like a will of ma
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