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Of course the focus (and MNSBC and another professional journalisms) is - must be - on Classified Documents Leaks, DOJ documents case and now DOD .... Of course, because it shows how American society (business routine ...., old past with habits and untold one regarding different active forces which mattered - in a bad sense - until assassinations and especially or noticeably President Kennedy one) and not only State. Every individual now or soon investigated, expectated ones like Clarence Thomas (a shame for Justice Court) or any Trump lawyer (a shame for Human Rights), every piece of an "empire" like Fox News (a decay one, rightly Dominion Trial is beginning) - and such an EMPIRE is still not named as a whole (with US/RUSSIA like a murky backstage with its spies and killers, imposters and monsters) - , all that fuss and confusion (delay strategies amounted to lies on the verge of their exposure) are boring, really boring and finally s
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