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Damaging Information Is Disinformation, but Disinformation is also a Casting

Damaging Information Is Disinformation, but Disinformation is also a Casting

Publicado el 7, nov, 2023 Actualizado 7, nov, 2023 Cultura
time 2 min
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Damaging Information Is Disinformation, but Disinformation is also a Casting


DISINFORMATION-MISINFORMATION-PROPAGANDA : will of deceiving, of lying for defaming and poneself exonerating, of plotting and so on. My photo today can be seen by anybody on FaceBook (on Twitter standard it seems, as opinion sounding like a hammer)  : Mister French Taxman claims that it is time - in the well-known context of worldwide corruption (power abuse for example, and free speech can refer to such a word by a sitting official who is not France State head) - (I translate) 'to stop an uncautious course of things and so that Ukraine Chief, President Zelensky, must be punished'. And do you know what? Some actors like Angelina Joly (the great and best philosopher of any time) and James Cameron say the same. Wow. So : Look at America like a mirror (a non distorted one) and you will see, especially in France where obviously such an unaccountability is expressed (even not by President Emmanuel Macron) while Russia in war with many co

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