FROM SARKOZIST TRUMP TO TRUMPIST SARKOZY(1, 2 : one indictment, two indictments)
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FROM SARKOZIST TRUMP TO TRUMPIST SARKOZY(1, 2 : one indictment, two indictments)
Top charges ..... Immunity never lasts, like vaccines.
I like remind me those super Ego but mirror men, each one from each side like true accomplices, co-conspirators (today) and co-inspirator (yesterday). America Riviera (Florida Mar-a-Lago), French Riviera (Nice and around). And History (the Secular one) is a bit ironical, good (Never temptating Devil?). Indicted President, here and there. Once indicted, even twice... Be patient, or rather : ENJOY ! And the COMPARISON is pretty pleasant when we read one headline about Joe Biden (don't know if the Britain both columnist and chronicler knows, or knew whe he wrote his paper ; it's a pure mere chance, a real joy now he will know if he didn't ): "A Normal Summer And A Normal President" (The Weekly Dish, July 14th), which - word by word - amounts to a former French President (not a shameful one) who declared just before sitting in his Office he " [I] wanted to be a normal President".
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