Exit Assange ?
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Exit Assange ?
Strange ? Mere chance ? It is not Julian Assange but it is Edward Snowden who seems to get CREDIBILTY now. We can view, or view again, online, the famous Russia refugee ; " 'Permanent Record' and Life as an Exiled NSA Whistleblower" ("The Daily Show", on 2022 September 17th). Still past but like an update rendez-vous with Truth, surely not a scoop but past and we all know truth is one and timeless.
"The Beat" (MSNBC, June 8th) if not debates talks about Trump Defendant with The Guardian reporter because of his puzzling report ; here it is : Trump targeted for DOJ indictment for the First Time. And the issue is still the same, it concerns the DOCUMENTS CASE specifically special counsel probe. But Ari Melber asks him the question : who said (because there is not such a statement from DOJ....) that Trump is a target. The former President himself and his lawyers (our add) ; the first one like a paranoiac foolish man and the second ones li
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