CORRUPTION IS COMPROMISE (no compromise with The Rule of Law)
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CORRUPTION IS COMPROMISE (no compromise with The Rule of Law)
Making America Great Again ? Such a picture - a recall (found on FB, July 3th) - of The United States of America facing Justice as Institution, a part one only when untold slavery remains and Black still is the colour of submission (Suprematist one) ; but guess further what - a tough and very silenced taboo - would be another slavery when White have to serve another White according a hidden unfair monstruous contract (buying and selling human beings for private things whatever you understand (so hard when empathy is inside and kindness for Human Race has used to be felt). I think this PICTURE is the good one for denunciating, as American, the scandalous unfairness regarding a man not only innocent and plainly one but also deprivated of his effective gifts or natural skills : the victim here could have been a true champion in his chosen category or field... Actually, this photo shows Bob Dylan visiting Carter in jail, his life down
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Cecile Voisset
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