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(to Karen)
The photo (untitle) is from Haaretz Weekend Brief (April 13th), it shows spring army manoeuvres. A knot is an issue, not a core, even not a hub ; no, something to UNDO. And it sounds like an old real pandemic, unhuman and bloody hate, on the contrary of any covidian narrative (and vaccines mandates against Nuremberg code) and any conspiracies theory. A knot, or something very tight. My hypothesis is that such a knot is ISRAEL ; let's talk about Israel Case, not genocide (don't let ennemis of Jewish State go on killing under any way). A knot, like a code : something to decipher, and I will talk both about US and France just to start.
Just to start, because of what I learned a few days ago when I read with passion the short but great book of a French Researcher who works for a democratic State : Jacques Stern, La Cryptologie au Coeur du numérique ("Les grandes voix", CNRS éditions : de vive voix, 2021). CRYPTOLOGY, or skills
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