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Diplomacy, and War(s)

Diplomacy, and War(s)

Publié le 27 avr. 2024 Mis à jour le 27 avr. 2024 Culture
time 3 min
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lecture 109 lectures

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Diplomacy, and War(s)


I chose this photo of Secretary Antony Blinken (Twitter, count. April 24th) because the man has to do with much violence - different causes of actual and potential wars -, because he's trying to do his job as he can and that his attitude both toward Israel issue (including antisemitism issue) and China one is demonstrative of a sane current American policy.

1. No moderation from B. NETANYAHU and religious Far Right (evangelists) - much common with TRUMP - who is depicted by Haaretz Daily Brief (April 17th, for example) for his "Appetite for the Apocalypse". The same review rightly states (one of its headlines) that "Bibi is the Effect, Not the Cause" for on the Middle-East Front, neighbours matter as both actual and potential enemies and allies. For example (Haaretz, April 24th), time is counting under that partnership : "How Long the Alliance Between Israel and Moderate Arab States Survive ?" Yesterday, we also could read : "What

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