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I chose the photo with ants : think to Homer's Iliad, because it's war and almost a generalised one with so many FRONTS over the world which can make us forget the right FOCUS, so with many fronts and maybe the most inflammatory one with Israel attack by Hamas and Gutterres' accusations - in the name of UNO - against the Jewish State. I chose those animals colony (invasion like a subtle interference with) spreading everywhere into a kitchen, like dirty little beasts but beasts, because I think it can exemplify what happens today and what it is happening now if we don't care about or understand ; I obviously take that image (drawing) from the Jewish review "Haaretz Archeology & Science" (June 13th) because ISRAEL seems to be the core of a BIG AFFAIR or CASE, as, at the same time, TRUMP (elected by Putin help) is the hub of a "huge seditious criminal conspiracy" : the start of investigation by a democratic justice which prosecutes him
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