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"Zombie Lies"

"Zombie Lies"

Publié le 13 avr. 2024 Mis à jour le 13 avr. 2024 Culture
time 4 min
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lecture 106 lectures

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"Zombie Lies"

The photo is picked up to 'The Poetry Review' (The Poetry society, April 4th), and the title to Bill Maher (Twitter, April 13th : "NO, CANADA"). Theatre of shadows, waltz of lies, criminal conspiracy and defendants : the topic.

A reminder, as first and global charge : " a huge seditious criminal conspiracy". Trump Defendant is now a looser each day more, including claims for delays (so : obstruction) to judges and failure on financial helps or front (more than a beginning) with hush money case (now delay to pay : boomerang effect). The quarrel with The Rule of Law - Constitution respect, as well as federal laws - started and soon will finish with the disqualified Judge Cannon in her file motion to rescue the former President of US and also regarding the Espionage charges because of several judges who are endangered (see and listen to Glenn Kirschner, "Justice Matters") and of so many lies and absurd statements (even on Twitter J. Smit

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