INNATE and ACQUIRED (and more)
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INNATE and ACQUIRED (and more)
The image - Moebius Strip (not Gaza one) - is picked from Physics in History (Twitter account). Why such a choice ? Because, like with the CORONAVIRUS CASE (among others : we know a few ones now), it deals with what defines you (by your DNA) and what can't : the basic, "first one", and the rest : either acquired (according to a evolutionist biologic acceptance), or established : forced, silenced and so on. In the last one, very uncomfortable for illegal or violating any human rights, we can point out any CENSORSHIP and DISINFORMATION.
Yet the covidian fantasy is still very interesting to understand what is at stake. Two references as arguments : first one, this recall (source : Razib Khan's Unsupervised Learning Newsletter, on April 17th) : "Roma Termini : why cities both makes us and break us as species". We find out, again, the DICTATORSHIP topic of the events which roll with Trump Defendant, now Trump on the Bench. Second one wi
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