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Don't close your eyes...
My photo, in those times when Democracy is at stake, is due to my reading of PBS NewsHour (Newsletter, on April 13th) and particularly of report on April 12th which is a tribute to journalist and reports master Robert MacNeil (1931-2024) and also to his team ; but first of all to him, for news or information respect as well as democracy values. Mr MacNeil was pretty desperate at the end of his life because of his national identity in a big country going wrong. So, let's go on ... news and good news today for America and the rest of the World.
Our two headlines (untitled) :
1. A notice and a question regarding Tik Tok ban by Republicans (source : CNN's 5 Things, Newsletter on April 19th) on the plea that that platform does not protect Americans' personal data ; strange, the only one to threaten privacies ? Any serious journalist can wonder (source : Morning Brew, April 19th) : "The odds of Congress banning Tik Tok are increasing".
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