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Thank you to South Shields Museum & Art Gallery (June 5th) for such a beautiful picture on a so narcissistic thing and war tool (for example when one tries to inverse or return image or turn against you as if you could be another than you....., or famous mythical narrative like Medusa fear.... or how turning to stones....), and in those crazy political times a place we can recognize to United Kingdom. Onlyt God knows (one usually says), but UK could be a strong link with United States of America concerning a hot affair, case ...., a third term.... in a case where ESPIONAGE, investigate journalism (honest one, not the one which hacks Justice !) is the core of a CASE.
About some links to do for our search (CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS CASE/LEAK) and/or quest for Truth (everyone knows you cannot change it, like reality despite any denial, lie, fantasy....), I noticed the CHD.TV program of June 5th and still wonder what are li
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