Taboo, Prejudice : Jewish Antisemitism, Jewish Plot
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Taboo, Prejudice : Jewish Antisemitism, Jewish Plot
(good luck Donald Trump and other felons..., impie people)
There is another word, formula, statement, for naming a Jewish Antisemitism (which can lead to a Jewish Plot, a taboo and a dangerous idea - I will explain) : Hating oneself, until destroying any value of your own community.
During the ante-indictment of The Felon (so a treacherous, a treator.... someone who does not respect nothing since such an individual despises The Rule of Law above which he would be (for which reason ? Presumption sin, I suppose), we mlany times asked to ourselves : which CONFESSION is Trump one ? We asked it, because it seemed (now it is) the religion issue, the confession one, is a piece (perhaps an explanation) of a giant puzzle American DOJ called : " a huge seditious conspiracy". We all know now Trump is a conspirator with co-conspirators, and ongoing investigations show from now 'the concerned staff' in its very diveristy (Bannon, Pence, Fox Ne
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