SAINT OF NOBODY(supremacism, white arrogance, vices and spiritual advisors)
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SAINT OF NOBODY(supremacism, white arrogance, vices and spiritual advisors)
Need a confessor ? No, why then ? Nobody seems mind that spying especially will of knowing, inquiring like Heretic Priests in accordance with a Christian Obsession (and praise of suffering, a key sadism as ordinary consequence or admitted perversion) - PERSECUTION is putting to Question (understand mind police, private barbarism, confidential Milice - militia - too) : torturing, a Christian Heritage never stopped ; imagine still the insistant antisemitic Far Right or Ultra-Catholic minds. 'Breaking News', mine ; and such a regressive persistant trend has to be linked with inconsistent narrative (those people are parrots or monkeys, they imitate at the same time they deprive ..... ) in order to govern crowds, make compliant what they want to be (!), an Evil need or pulse to conquest any mind (day as night). We could so find such a standard to explain Suprematism - and, among others : Trump-Russia-France..... -
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