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Russian Nostalgia ?A Huge Seditious Criminal Conspiracy, a Big Issue & Big Investigations.

Russian Nostalgia ?A Huge Seditious Criminal Conspiracy, a Big Issue & Big Investigations.

Publié le 18 mai 2024 Mis à jour le 18 mai 2024 Culture
time 3 min
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lecture 88 lectures

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Russian Nostalgia ?A Huge Seditious Criminal Conspiracy, a Big Issue & Big Investigations.


The photo of Attorney General Merrick Garland is from CBS News ('Twitter', May 16th) where readers could have misunderstood facts and issues ; I quote : "President Biden asserted, executive privilege over audio recordings from an investigation into his handling of classified documents, a top Justice Department Official revealed in a letter to House Committee leaders obtaines by CBS News." For sure, we can find elsewhere a clearer statement; here it is with The Associated Press ('Twitter', May 17th) : actually AG M. Garland defended the White House decision to block the release of audio from President Joe Biden's interview with a special counsel about his handling classified documents. Garland said releasing could "jeopardize future investigations"

Indeed no priviledge there is by such a cautious decision, and Mr Garland to remind us DOJ is and lust be out of political influence. THE CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS by itself is a very seriou

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