Mrs Thatcher was a respectable woman tooWHAT ABOUT SPYING ?
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Mrs Thatcher was a respectable woman tooWHAT ABOUT SPYING ?
Thank you to the British Artist Cornelia Parker for her inspiring sculpture ("MrsThatcher's Finger", source : Frith Gallery, "Newsletter", July 12th) of a woman who, for sure (and I would be agree at that time which is over but remains as female pride), would have been hard on Assange's show if not on his vain posture.
But, because of many links found now, more and more, between a generic case like THE (HIGHLY) CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS CASE (LEAKS), I would like to synthetize a few ideas vs prejudices. The first one, because it is the end of a taboo concerning antisemitism if we conscientiously read Haaretz Daily Brief (July 13th), a pro-Democracy online Review : "Republican's favourite blockbuster flirts with antisemitic blood libel". Antisemitism as a case of hatred and a possibly oneself one until somehow adopting another religion or if not betraying an origins community (very serious). So Jewish (not Israelian) is not a badge, can'
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