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I've got an idea(on WHO is our ENEMIES)

I've got an idea(on WHO is our ENEMIES)

Publié le 18 avr. 2024 Mis à jour le 18 avr. 2024 Culture
time 4 min
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lecture 109 lectures

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I've got an idea(on WHO is our ENEMIES)


The still untold or utterly unknown (but justice is coming) affair is the Coronavirus Case with the covidian narrative (absurd now, like any unprofessional argument of Trump Defender) with WAR CODE : Covid19. Anyway the investigation of American Justice (both with Chinese one) will be and fairly closed until prosecutions and indictments .... What is it about ? About LEAKS. From Where ? Not Nature (mother as Planet), but Wuhan labo The Defender never stopped to denounce for lack of cover up. Fauci & Co (a translation ? Mob anywhere), Trump with help of RUSSIA for his unbelievable election as President of US : that's my idea, my deep feeling. Why CHINA would have spy America ? And why China, like any country, would not have to fight against disinformation and interference ? So, another trick or one piece of a BIG LIE (as never) Justice will spell out : HUGE SEDITIOUS CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY. That means too that in each country, sedition o

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