Being Up
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Being Up
The picture is found on a French site ("Déontologie Pratique", FaceBook, April 20th) and chosen because of much interest now concerning LIES and big lies, biggest lies (escalations as suspense, I wonder) as for big deal .... , as much as a big ship for taking you for a ride but even more as the worst or a kind of worst. Sure A BIG LIE IS A LASTING LIE : a lie which lasts but which ends too.
The United States of America are watched, mainly watched but they are not the only ones to be watched concerning issues on Justice (Twitter, April 20th, releases for example the condemnation for life from the public prosecutor Department - antiterrorist section - concerning a famous antisemitic Parisian attack 45 years ago). Time matters, in many different ways and meanings. In that sense, we can imagine (one possible among so many others) one endless lie which would be a French one with its original truth in America... After all, the Trump Rivier
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Cecile Voisset
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