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(a tribute to a woman, an artist one, Cornelia Parker we can watch her renown work at FrithStreet Gallery - London ; title : "Roots")
Roots are always innocent, you can't condemn anyone for oneself's birth (parents, community, sex, tongue, ....) ; you can hide it, try to erase it, for example you can rob birth declarations or deprive someone of citizen identity especially or in the case of slavery (human trafic) .... but you can do it and if you do it, it is with a cost synonymous with war ; an unamed, untild crime which amounts to the worst crime before paedophilia (children body uses)
You cannot condemn an innocent, someone who doesn't - didn't - know. That's the reason anyone cannot seriously be defended if such an individual knows, knew, doesn't or didn't tell. And that's the reason I can't support someone like Assange, the presumptuous hacker who tries to make us forget he didn't commit nothing whereas he did. Each case is di
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