PROPAGATION = PROPAGANDAForget : it's Independance Day !
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PROPAGATION = PROPAGANDAForget : it's Independance Day !
Suprematist equality (a contradiction) is only but such a deceiving, deceitful (like disloyal competition in a viral one) and deceptive mathematical formula above. I detail : the so-called advert about PROPAGATION (or SPREAD) of a (mysterious) virus - Coronavirus, war code : COVID19 - is indeed just propaganda, making belief like a following narrative which it is no more named by itself. Their pandemics is only but spread of a fabric behiond which there's a BIG DEAl (TRADE), BIG TECH with BIG PHARMA : a BIG LIE. So : Mind Trump, Suprematism, antisemitism, racism and ignorance as well as scorn for The Rule of Law. That's why CENSORSHIP is still strong, or ongoing, whereas and, at the same time, Investigation (DOJ, J. Smith's Special Counsel...) is ongoing too with and regarding the CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS CASE (/leaks), Censorship ou big heavy silence (criminal organization of silence we may call MAFIA) regards all the World. This wor
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