Qualities of Comparison : DIVISION SCATTERED SEEDS (Trump, Assange, and so on)
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Qualities of Comparison : DIVISION SCATTERED SEEDS (Trump, Assange, and so on)
Bob Woodward (NSNBC, "The Beat", July 15th) reminds us the job of a President is to protect the people : a hint to Trump tapes. But, and regarding a Trumpist Case - THE CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS CASE - as well as looking forward to an ongoing criminal investigation with already indictments but ahead another ones and in America as well as abroad, we could actually wonder why HEALTH had been put in "suspens" ; it is interesting, if we have a look to The Defender Week-End (July 16th, the most read) that main stream (mass media) doesn't yet care about what the people care about : on Coronavirus and Fauci with a so-called 'Lab theory leaks' whereas untold measures from a discreet policy (not sure it is properly a government in accordance with a noble sense of politics but a business one) are noxious ; I take two examples (headlines) : Why Is a California University Still Mandating COVID Shots? ; at the same time, Gates and WHO envision vacci
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