Enough With TRUMP, RUSSIA AND FRANCE.Devastating Supremacy(Democracy is not Mafia Governement)
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Enough With TRUMP, RUSSIA AND FRANCE.Devastating Supremacy(Democracy is not Mafia Governement)
It's been 500 days since Russia invaded Ukraine (I quote the Headline I chose from Morning Brew, July 8th), you can see a devastating country. For deepening the idea, we also say it's been a long long time - a long lasting Past - that specific crimes are still untold and silenced regarding a BIG ISSUE and are denied by now a PROPAGANDA which tends to make silence on those who have known meanwhile. Any press professional media (and US are showing - yes they are - they are Democracy, on the contrary of both France - a shame for Human Rights - and Russia), today on July 8th, talks about cluster munitions for Ukraine and make deliberately or not the link with Trump's grip on Republican Voters (see and listen to PBS NewsHour). Yet we know, little by little or each day, that Republican supporters are more and more dubious on their previous candidate... (the ugly Donald Trump, a Felon so one of the worst charge for a President who never re
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