Is Coronation the key of classified documents Case or Leaks Case ?
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Is Coronation the key of classified documents Case or Leaks Case ?
Lies, liars do exist anywhere (maybe lying is human, so bad) ; some of them are like professional ones, unethical persons (see 'Supreme Court' has to be reformed for Democracry guarantee) who really are compelled to lie (even to deny) ; they are compulsive liars or mythomaniacs. 'Trump Defendant' belongs to that category (American version of French BlingBling, lawyers taken in until the true failure of his own and their defense too or caste-effect), but the point - the interesting point, big issue - is not concerning this former President properly speaking : his numerous shameful and increased charges upon him haven't to make us forget all pawns on a political-invisible (mind) chess which amounts to an unofficial one on the worldstage with compromises, (big) deals. Of course lying is a lack and a fault for any kind of JOURNALISM (investigation one, or not) as making under silence or silencing for such a job which couldn't exist by i
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