Fortunately "Stephanie" is neither my true first name nor "Rémi" my husband true first name.LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO A BIG VERY BIG ISSUE.
Auf Panodyssey kannst du bis zu 10 Veröffentlichungen im Monat lesen ohne dich anmelden zu müssen. Viel Spaß mit 9 articles beim Entdecken.
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Fortunately "Stephanie" is neither my true first name nor "Rémi" my husband true first name.LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO A BIG VERY BIG ISSUE.
Thank you to PBS Newshour (July 4th) for such a perfect illustration of "HERE'S THE DEAL" (quote). But my aim first of all is not election regarding politics and policy, I meen the American Presidential Run as only but a show with sometimes insistent (shared) lies like a deal - an ongoing BIG LIE - behind Coronovirus. My aim is what is now heading up, happening since the first indictment of Trump by J. Smith's Special Counsel, towards more indictments and arraignments then arrests and imprisonments. A headline of mine, today 2023 on July 5th, is thus : "From classified documents cases to COVID19 case and cold case".
Before detailing elements of reflection, before beginning an explanation of such an untold Truth (a Market One, involving among others Big Pharma and Big Tech), let's introduce to my problematic with the help of a bit dry humor I surely inherited from my English Father but I know detect also in some ghost writer : actua
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