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No Recovery for Breakers of Law, Disrespect for The Rule of Laws

No Recovery for Breakers of Law, Disrespect for The Rule of Laws

Veröffentlicht am 25, Juni, 2023 Aktualisiert am 25, Juni, 2023 Kultur
time 4 min
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No Recovery for Breakers of Law, Disrespect for The Rule of Laws


An event much commented these days, a strange one in itself, by itself, or which can make us indeed pretty astonished : why talking so much about this piece or wreckage, except of course the five found corpses (a submersible with 5 people on board) ? The association, the nearness in the Ocean bottom with the Titanic wreck (an obvious decay sign), such an association definitely means a clear written non return. Too late, it would say if a magic world was our fact or common fate. Death there is, dead there are (human beings, not fishes.....), that's a mere fact : huge damages (sample) ; now only but accountability is at stake. For we even could compare the thing - a sinking with its tragic aftermath, and, from an investigation viewpoint, the shape of an iceberg (bottom is always cold): the most part under water (so dark, so trouble, so wide ....) and only one small piece above. And why the naming OceanGate ? Like an oceanic (not Medit

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