"DONALD TRUMP IS INDICTED"(less troubled, dark waters, toward clearer shipping)
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"DONALD TRUMP IS INDICTED"(less troubled, dark waters, toward clearer shipping)
Never Justice without PEACE (for victims), JOY (for people) and PRIDE (for a country); especially for the United States and at last the voice of Special Counsel. Jack Smith's calm sober voice, the man's speech with contents, the Justice Officer's discourse (not narrative), Mr Smith spells out what it is now "an example for the world" (yes it is), no more no less than the Rule of Law in its operative (almost silenced) reality : no saying, doing ; and it's DONE.
Reuters Weekend Briefing (June 10th) gets of course the headline : "Trump is indicted", the event is going to be unforgettable : US was, still are watched. This is, it is indeed for the first time ; and one of the charges upon the former President of America regards CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS. But it is not the only one time : "Trump is indicted again" (MSNBC, "morning.joe, June 9th), included this time, adding to 37 counts before (felony, conspiracy and so on), 7 charges includin
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