No Cigar : Matter of Health and Freedom
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No Cigar : Matter of Health and Freedom
Everybody (journalists, analysts....) comments right now TRUMP INDICTMENT, one major charge (the first one) upon the thief in CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS CASE, and it's fair : Trump Defendant is indicted with 37 counts in such a national security and safety (17 docs secret ones), and indicted by a DOJ under Biden administration but not by DOJ's Biden as GOP often dare say it; time for Republicans to choose another candidate, a dignity one and not some shameful ones (Texas is also looped) for a Great America. Reactions increase, others challengers (like Mike Pence, it seems....) understood the issue and what it is behind such a big issue. Democracy, democracy values matter; and worldwide values matter too.
So Donald Trump is indicted first of all for the secret, sensitive, highly secret classified documents CASE (not LEAK : another guilty, convicted man or other culprits .... for more and more shaped horizons). And his endless attacks of F
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