Another Piece
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Another Piece
Truth slowly but surely is coming, or seeking for a way to express itself if we think according an Hegelian scheme when beginning means the end (like a ring), that is another beginning (something digged...). So it is not just a beginning but more ...
John Durham is featuring, for the worst this time ; we have herad about him but now his case is ruled). I don't know you but this man looks like a caciq, one of the party bosses somehow ; his face, very strict and almost obsessed with a strange expression (as turning to stone), perhaps a livid ghost of a postmodern/post-truth Lenin. You know his report, very disputed and finally dismissed, regards RUSSIA, and TRUMP. And do you know what I go on to ask ? I asked indeed about the former President (Trump Defendant) of America confession ; actually what is Putin's one ? I jus read online the Art Newspaper Daily (Mai 19th) that the Russia Chief, who still wages war to Ukraine despite advices,
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