What Would You Do if your Privacay Right Was Daily Violated ?(War Pigs, Black Dogs ...)
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What Would You Do if your Privacay Right Was Daily Violated ?(War Pigs, Black Dogs ...)
Still our support to both US and Ukraine as well as to DEMOCRACY (The Rule of Law), to understand why NATO Summit (my picture above, with North European Countries and United Kingdom... ; Reuters, July 13th) is very serious : a Summit where you won't see Bill Gates, George Soros neither too ..... Gates, you know : the philanthropist business man, yes he is but he is more. Let's have some fun today (while French People feast their National Day, a warrior Feast somehow) about such a man, a founding very mega, ultra rich (MSNBC, July 13th) : "Bill Gates Repeatedly Met With Jeffrey Epstein". Wow ! What a friendship, a true one with a man known for (sic) "sex crimes" (among others PAEDOPHILIA, a kind of 'love' : a perverse forbidden one). Actually a shoking but expected report from The New York Times talks about "Epstein circle". Absolutely couldn't he be a friend of mine : poor Gates, only but a business man : not enabled in a mockingbir
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