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"No, an Al drone did not kill its handler in a simulation".(while waiting for indicments)

"No, an Al drone did not kill its handler in a simulation".(while waiting for indicments)

Veröffentlicht am 3, Juni, 2023 Aktualisiert am 3, Juni, 2023 Kultur
time 3 min
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"No, an Al drone did not kill its handler in a simulation".(while waiting for indicments)


Morning Brew today gave me the chance of matching a thought with a picture, in those crazy days when, among others, Trump (with his staff - some politics, some lawyers, some media...- but more and more isolated) opt for 'delay strategy' (so old-fashioned, so shared here and there) and is dragging on.... until his foolishness appears in full; guests of MSNBC ("Deadline Whitehouse", June 3rd) talk about his troubled state of mind since CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS are mentioned but unfound, like a bizarre dissemination, about his bluff (confusion between game and reality) according to one of his former lawyers ("The Beat", June 3rd). I cannot help of quoting the funny headline of "Justice matters" (June 3rd), its beginning : "Trump can't find classified document he stole" (hope 'Deep State" didn' robbed his riviera house after the former President of US grabbed and concealed them....). The thief is confused, giving so likely corrupted organiz

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