Lies, liars, and .... United States of America
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Lies, liars, and .... United States of America
The photo is borrowed to MeidasTouch (FB, May2nd), this pleasant one whereas we didn't succeed to know which confession is Trump one; now we guess in regard to the Texan such a photo pictures and while we know also that (Meet the Press, FB, May 1rst, paper by Rebecca Shabad : NBC News) "McCarthy says he'll invite Netanyahu to Washington if Biden doesn't" (!). Sedition, seditious minds, indeed are current, still of the moment. Past stretches as endless, unfortunately, concerning still guilties, culprits for Big Deals (shameful ones) or Lies when, now, they must be ACCOUNTABLE for. And TEXAS of course is watched, certainlyn not as a muscle but as a Democracy (even Republican one) state. How cannot imagine ISRAEL is not involved (as partner, don't know...) or not knowing of a conspiracy (a huge one) for which Donald Trump is charged : the comparison with Benjamin Netanyahu is right, not trifling : think to the Coup (not insurrection) so
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