Spotlight on Texas...
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Spotlight on Texas...
Politics is not cinema. 'Trump Defendant' will have to learn, no 'America great again' with this former President. Confusion, waffle, unprofessional (unexpectedly Bill Barr spoke, against Trumpist disaster : a horrific show, and disinformation may we add) and unethical .... with so many criminal charges. Have a look to this headline ("The Beat": MSNBC, FB, May 5th) : "Trump under oath ! Confronted with 'Access Hollywood' tape in civil rape trial". Ironic like a 'Reason Trick' within History (strike in California!), because History (worldwide) is playing on a stage of which change is shaping. No stand up for both partis (Republicans, Democrats), accountability one day or another.... Can't help recalling another headlight ("The Last word", May 5th) about Supreme Court shameful corruption : "Rep. Goldman : Justice Thomas' s relationship with GOP is 'un-american' ". UN-AMERICAN. What does it mean, if not that a few officials are constituti
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