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Smile : Slavery is Abolished

Smile : Slavery is Abolished

Veröffentlicht am 16, Juni, 2023 Aktualisiert am 16, Juni, 2023 Kultur
time 2 min
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Smile : Slavery is Abolished


For stupid and vicious minds in belief money is king (trade of Human Beings is permitted, outlaw deals with credentials thief...., white marriages for any shameful sharings), a White Dogma like a Suprematism champion with involved violent pulse (scopic, paedophilic, sadistic ones ...), AMERICA (a South one) would be a soil for Black Things, sexual-working ones.... An old-fashioned view by worldwide minds whose delirium (tremens or not, psychiatric or not) emerges like iceberg of untold truths or tough inhuman realities like infamies deeds, such a false-fake-deceived view (in a trouble[d] mirror, men only but men glasses) as if non free (illegal) worldwide shippping still would go on (without seas police). On EUROPE ground, grotesque representations and shameless trends like a decay continent with an oblivion of History (outside national helps, Wars and fights for freedom, Shoah-fascism-nazism-progroms....) and democracy values (sex

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