Politics is not showcase : THE COVID19 CASE.
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Politics is not showcase : THE COVID19 CASE.
Any Summit, except a business one like a 'Great Reset' (big Regression, big propaganda), cannot amout to a political one that is State (chiefs of) Summit : finally decision is incumbent on goverments or political power, a job after an election : exit the non Democracy case). That's why even Summits like citizen and people ones matter but not as much as the 'professional' Summit, for example the last NATO one; let's permit me to add that citizen summits can possibly be also weapons of lobbies. My purpose, today and like yesterday, is then to come back to POLITICS according a noble and realistic sense in view of decision.
And now, because it is the Breaking News if we keep in mind BASIC ISSUES which cross different files or are involved in THE (HIGHLY) CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS CASE, the first charge for Trump indictment. Among them, there is the non yet named or even pointed out as itsel : THE COVID19-CASE. Not yet named, but a thing - f
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