K., and those who aren't at liberty to talk
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K., and those who aren't at liberty to talk
Talking, not speaking ; it is not a right - as free speech, as it happens (a Consitutional one) - we discuss or reject, but it is a kind of pretension or claim : just talking, unability of arguing or reasoning and so void speeches when it is not (and it is often what happens or actually what doesn't happen) only but void and waffle (defamation often is what it is at work behind). Liars don't say anything, for example; they even not talk about reality but they try to silence, to delay... My choice of this picture (Encyclopaedia Britannica, Newsletter : April 27th) for introducting a kind of boredom by so much talk (chats) - and trials for change of focus - and too few thoughts (analysis, advances), such a choice would like to insist that past as well as present - so, History - are at stake regarding the rightly, fairly called 'Trump Defendant'. Each day or couple of days, yet investigations are ongoing with hearings and debates or pr
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