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For my beloved Son (because he is still alive and children need to be learned) - JUSTICE AHEAD : please.

For my beloved Son (because he is still alive and children need to be learned) - JUSTICE AHEAD : please.

Veröffentlicht am 3, Juli, 2023 Aktualisiert am 3, Juli, 2023 Kultur
time 2 min
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For my beloved Son (because he is still alive and children need to be learned) - JUSTICE AHEAD : please.


What is a Sense of Sacred ? I wonder if I think about some strangers to Human Race, I really wonder. I'm even scared on such bad rotten sample of a humanity decay (worst criminals, or vice embodiment). Tump Trials is the sign of a cleanness and sanity need, of Democracy deep need (Human Rights under Equality value....). Regarding any Plots (even cabal) with its theories as GOP (a small part of) could assume, nobody can denie they do not exist, of course they cannot; the very former President of America is among others charged upon " a huge seditious criminal conspiracy". This enemy of State (a traitor or felon, a renegade of Office Duty at the White House....), of Democracy more generally speaking, of course gets - got - friends and knowings but his are not mine because they cannot. 

Any sexual predator couldn't have been a friend of mine, but of Trump yes. Have a look to Jenny Rice's paper (MSNB, "Opinion", July 2nd) : "Why Jeffre

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