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NATO is the main subject since two and more days : Summit for such a very important, as a basic diplomacy in a war context and reality with Russia, on the contrary of other pseudo Summits (with business bosses, ideologists as covidians and reset priests) with non official leaders (government ones) which are not interested neither in relationships nor partnerships and we can qualify, for example, one of them transhumanist. Actually NATO SUMMIT intends to handle Ukraine fate if we may say, with also an interest in Turkey standpoint on the contrary of an aggressive Putinian Russia. It deals with strong messages to convey .... whereas, at the same time, (Reuters, July 11th) "Cuba seeks stronger EU-CELAC relations Condemns EU's 'manipulation behavior' " on one hand and Netanyahu's Israel represses Democracy Protester against for judicial change. To recap, without any originality : DEMOCRACY IS THE BIGGEST DEAL of any inquiry : a "crimina
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